Finish time 2:14:48 chip time
Split times are based on garmin time of 2:14:56 for 13.22 miles
Mile one: 10:34, ave speed 5.7 mph
Mile 2: 10:12 ave speed 5.9 mph
Mile 3: 10:48 ave speed 5.5 mph
Mile 4: 10:18 ave speed 5.8 mph
Mile 5: 9:48 ave speed 6.1 mph
Mile 6: 9:54 ave speed 6.1 mph
Mile 7: 9:53 ave speed 6.1 mph
Mile 8: 10:03 ave speed 6.0 mph
Mile 9: 10:23 ave speed 5.8 mph
Mile 10: 10:50 ave speed 5.5 mph
Mile 11: 10:00 ave speed 6.0 mph
Mile 12: 9:53 ave speed 6.2 mph
Mile 13: 10:06 ave speed 5.9 mph
0.22 mi. 2:20 ave speed 5.7 mph

At the finish line
I fretted the last few days before worrying about what to wear. I hadn't run in the mornings for awhile, and wasn't used to the cold. The temps were calling for 42 degrees at 6am, with around 55 degrees at 9am. I made a special trip to Dick's and bought some Capri running tights, but ended up not wearing them. I decided to wear a peach long sleeved tech t, and black shorts. Both champion by Target, BTW.
I got up at 5am, got dressed (I also brought two different tops in my backpack just in case. I had packed a pink tshirt with some arm warmers made from socks. Cute, but didn't wear it.) I had a Shakeology at I brought in the car and a large water. Then I made the trip by myself down to Crown Center. I parked where I thought was free (later found it was $5). Then I warmed up in the car for awhile, and headed down to the start. I hit up the porta potties first. When I left the line was loooooong! I dropped off my bag at bag check, drank my 5 hour energy shot, and at some orange slices. Then I made my way to the start.
I lined up with the 2:20 pace group and wore a pace band. Pace bands are awesome if you want to stick to a certain pace. I saw a few people I knew from work. Then when I started, I left the 2:20 group in the dust. The beginning course was great. We ran from Crown Center to P&L District. My shin muscles were a bit tight to begin with, and I worried a bit about that. Then I passed a guy doing the race in his regular wheelchair, not a Ravi GG wheelchair, and decided to forget about my aches.
After P&L, we ran up the Liberty Memorial hill. That was around mile 3. It didn't seem as bad as last time. Probably because I have since experienced hospital hill! At the top, it is neat because there is a switchback where you can see everyone before and after you so it is fun to cheer them on. Ever since the beginning, I was within 100 ft of the 2:15 pace group, so my goal was to keep them in my sights. After this there were some nice downhill sections. We headed down Main to Westport, then cut across to Roanoake and towards the Plaza. I lost the 2:15 pace group around here, ran past them at the water stop. BTW, this race was great, water and Gatorade every 2 miles, well stocked. I took a water at each stop but the last, and walked while drinking so I wouldn't choke. I also took a gu around mile 4, then mile 7, and again at mile 10.
Running past the plaza, I ran with the 4:25 marathon group until they turned off. I guess I was too busy to even notice Nelson-Atkins on the left. Then we turned back north. By mile 10, I was back with the 2:15 pace group. I didn't start getting really tired until mile 12 and the pace group really helped draw me in. The guy was a bit annoying for awhile, but I appreciated all his general coaching and comments on how to power up and down hills, etc.
I actually saw my family right after the finish. My husband and kids were there with my in-laws. They were right on the sideline and got some great pics of me finishing. They were actually better than my race photos, so score, no paying for overpriced pics!

I must say that it turned out to be a beautiful day, great weather and sunny. Great course. Great race support, spectators, pace groups! At the finish, chocolate milk, fruit, pretzels, oranges, and beer. Skipped the beer tent! My kids came thru the chute with me. And they had flowers for me at the finish.

Then my daughter and I hung around for awhile. I changed at crown center, then we went to her Daisy Girl Scout Halloween event at P&L later that morning.
So all and all, a great time! I will definitely do it again next year! (And my husband is thinking about it too!)

My next half marathon will be in April "Rock the Parkway" here in KC.
Mommy Jogging in KC
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