Only one week to go until my half. I am in my taper. But I think I have lost my mojo a bit. I am excited for the half, don't get me wrong. But I have no motivation for other exercising at the moment. True, it is taper for a reason, a time to physically and mentally cut back. But I feel like a have also let myself go. Actually I know I have. I HAVE given myself to eat whatever for this next week. And I plan to get back in the swing of things right after the half.
I plan on starting a 3 day shakeology cleanse and getting back into clean and healthy eating. I am also going to finish up Insanity and start Asylum afterwards. And i need to fit in some strength training too. I am going to try out a class called joggalates. First half running and last half pilates. I just need to get out of bed around 4:45am to do it! I hope it is the spark that gets me back to exercising first thing in the morning.
Anyone with me on exercising in the dark?
Don't forget to enter my Shakeology Cleanse giveaway so you can join in with me!
Mommy Jogging in KC
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